With the WW2 Beta weekend at our backs and everyone settling in to there normal mundane routine of life I thought it fitting to write a short, I hope, review,recap, call it what you want, of Call of Duty World War 2 Beta. Please do take note that this is a Beta so don’t go knocking it with statements like “Battlefield 1 is better” because my simple yet to the point reply will be ” well, it is COD, not BF!” What people forget is that COD is a completely different title to the likes of Battlefield. COD focuses on the fast frantic pace that only a Call of Duty title can accomplish. Yes COD has been dominating the Shooting Genre since the franchise came to fruition many years ago. They have had there ups and downs namely Modern Warfare and Infinite Warfare respectively. But none the less the fans keep coming back to the titles in a hope of going back to the glory days of WW2, and finally that day has come.
Lets get stuck in!
the Trenches of Normandy are back!
With Call of Duty coming home, so to speak, to where it all started in World War 2 they have left all the technology where it belongs, in the future. This makes the combat more gritty, tactical and realistic! If they are doing this to the Multiplayer section of the game expect the Single player side to be even more gritty and tactical than ever before. From the initial startup of the game it is instantly recognizable as a COD game. COD players will know what I mean by this it is something I can’t quite verbalize. Yet, there are a few key differences. Firstly boosting has been removed from the game completely which I think is awesome, it also gives the game a slightly less frantic feel adding to the tactical gameplay. It really gives you a slightly more relaxed feeling when you know that some robotic terminator isn’t going to come wall-running over your cover and murder you while you aim down the sights!
The weapons also feel like accurate representations of their historical counterparts barring a few tweaks that I personally think needs to be made to the damage inflicted by the weapons. Personally I didn’t find larger caliber weapons to have that feeling of being more powerful like they should, but this is why it is still a BETA and Sledgehammer have sent out a survey to all those who partook in the BETA to get their impressions on what they would like to be changed or liked and disliked. (good on your Sledgehammer).
What I did find to be a very nice touch was the ability to have a closer inspection of your gun mid-match. Pressing the Y button would make your soldier look at his/her weapon of mass destruction and revel in all its glory or not-glory depending on how good your aim had been up to that point. At this point I can hear the BF fanboys and -girls say that the weapons are not as accurately depicted as it is in BF etc etc and I will once again say: This is a BETA and this is COD! right, moving on!
Less Frantic, but not Slow!
With the exclusion of the technological aspects which made the previous titles like Infinite Warfare, Black Ops 3 and Advanced Warfare so fast-paced and frantic, it has made the game feel less rushed but by no means does that translate into a slow-paced game. WW2 still requires some speedy reaction times otherwise you will find yourself at the respawn spot quite often. This should not deter new players as you get the hang of it quickly and once you get to know the maps your deaths will slowly start appearing less and be replaced with your name being on the left of the kill feed instead of the right. For Non-COD players new to the franchise there is going to be a rather steep learning curve if you decide to venture into the campaign before jumping into the multi player as players will be investing serious time into the multiplayer from the start
The graphics immediately caught my eye, I had been playing BF1 pretty much non-stop from launch till about 6 months ago so i had grown accustomed to BF1 graphics and in WW2 they are different and that is exactly what made me smile. COD isn’t trying to copy Battlefield, they don’t need to, they stick to their signature look and that works for them, the numbers don’t lie. The lighting and and weather is spectacular. I noticed it even more when I was frantically scrambling through a half-demolished french farmhouse trying to flank a few unsuspecting soldiers around the corner. The environment is really well populated and react well to the interactions such as running through water or firing into it. Sledgehammer games really did the research on this one in terms of capturing the time period as well as the locations and costumes.
Perks & Classes
The Perks & classes might have a different name but they are essentially the same as previous COD titles with loadouts and perks. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Why fix something that isn’t broken?
You have the ability to choose between Divisions, for example, Airborne, Infantry, Mountain, which will each give you a different array of perks.
Basic Training skills give you the ability to carry a primary weapon as a secondary for example. Nothing to major from previous COD titles
Game Modes
During my time with the BETA I did try each mode at least once but playing solo is not as fun so I played what the majority of the party wanted to play. Lots of Domination was played but I was mostly interested to see what the new “War” mode had in store. In War mode you will have an attacking and defending team, there are a few loose story based objectives that the attackers need to capture in order to move on to the next eventually reaching the final objective and winning the round if captured. During the BETA only one war map was available. What I found that 2 of the objectives namely the Bridge and the Church was really tough to attack with rather tight choking point causing the attacking team to get slaughtered severely if they did not have a plan!
It is a refreshing modes with endless possibilities so I really hope that Sledgehammer games can make it work to become a signature game mode for all future COD titles
Teaching WW2 to a new audience
In a interview one for the developers said that they feel they have a huge responsibility to try and be as accurate in their portrayal of the horrors of WW2 seeing as the last time they ventured into this era was around 10 years ago. The audience has changed significantly! To the older audience who were gaming back when COD started out this game will be a way to show how far the franchise has come and to the new audience it will be a benchmark for future titles who want to stake a claim in the WW2-era fast paced shooters.
Final Verdict
Call of Duty WW2 Beta was very fun and I am sure that old-COD players who have long dreamt of returning to where it all started will excited to get boots on the ground come November. For players new to the COD franchise prepare yourselves for an immense campaign like we have come to know with all Call of Duty titles (except IW), their signature Zombie mode as well as an amazing fast paced multiplayer that will keep you saying “just one more round” until the early hours of the morning.
Yes there are a few things that need to be fixed and changed and Sledgehammer games is doing a good job of ironing that out by means of surveys and BETA sessions. So if you are not yet convinced on this title because of a few things be sure to fill out those surveys and pester them with what you want to see via social media, because we as the players have the sway and the major companies are inclined to listen if you are willing to speak up!
Hope to see you all in future BETA’s or in the Trenches or on the beaches come November!