Q&A with Akromah’s Tale Developer – The Inside Scoop

I always get excited when I hear of a new game being developed, especially when that game is right up my alley in terms of what it offers – RPG, fantasy, get lost in a new world type of game.
So you can imagine my excitement when I was first made aware of a new game, called Akromah’s Tale, and even more so when I found out it was being developed by a South African, because local is lekker right?

So we got the inside scoop with the developer of this game, Ian Jamie Pillay, and asked him a few questions about the game, himself and a couple non-essential need to know questions.

And here it is – straight from the mouth of the man himself.

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where you come from, what you do for a living, etc.
A: Born in SA, Durban (27y/o). Studied Bachelor of Computer science, and have been making games since i was in grade 10. Currently I am a big data specialist at Standard Bank. (Machine Learning, Data & AI)

Q: What kinds of games do you usually find yourself playing?
A: Anything really. my favourites include Fifa, Dota2, Cod/ BF, any RPG (big final fantasy fan), MMO fan (GW, Wow, ESO etc), God of war (my best game ever)

Q: If you had to choose your top 5 all time classic games, what would they be?
A: Classics? Spyro, Tomb Raider, NFS Underground 2, Prince of Persia, Diablo 2

-the man has good taste-

Q: As a person who is developing a game, what aspects of games do you find you most enjoy in other games?
A: Fluid movement is vital, being an rpg fan, my favourite aspects are definitely the combat system (flexible impactful combat) and story narration (story driven like the new gow/ horizon/ witcher)

Q: Tell us a little bit about your game. What is it about, what type of game it is, etc.
A: Type of game – It is a fantasy action RPG with platforming and stealth elements. high emphasis on story narrative, and fun game play! About the game:
Akromah’s Tale follows a young adventurer, who lives a normal peaceful life, with his friend.
Until one day the very foundation of his beliefs are ripped away from him.
With only one way forward, he looks towards an uncertain future – with the intent to right the wrongs of this world.
Together, Akromah and his untrustworthy companion, Tayle (whose soul is trapped inside a utility bag), will learn devastating magic and the difference between friend and foe.
They will look to find peace and justice through his ideals for the world he once knew.

-it’s got me hooked-

Q: What was the inspiration behind this game for you?
A: The game actually started off as a sidescroller, but over time with my friends it grew into what it is now. aspire for a quality game that is genuinely fun. Witcher 3 for sure – quality before greed!

-did he just say Witcher? Consider the game bought-

Q: What type of character development does the game have?
A: Levels, gear, etc. It will have levels, but cant say for sure how it will be implemented. thinking of leveling skills/ armor/ mechanics instead of generic hero levels.

Q: What do you find the hardest for you in your process to develop this game?
A: Time management for sure! I enjoy programming so I don’t mind that solo, but managing this game and my job kinda forfeits a social life (excluding 2 the friends from high school who are helping with story line and some other niche areas)

Q: What do you hope gamers will get from your game?
A: Fun, emotional experience, building a legacy for the game/ the studio

Q: Is this your first game? If not, what other types of games have you worked on?
A: Not exactly. I’ve made a few horrible games during high school, and a mobile sidescroller a few years ago which gave me a ton of experience for this game. (lessons, do’s and don’ts)

Q: Where do you see yourself going with game development?
A: Ideally full time game studio, but that isn’t going to happen anytime soon – ha ha.

Q: When do you expect your game to be complete and where would people be able to get it from?
A: Hoping for mid 2020, Currently aiming at Steam on PC, but hoping, with the help of a kickstarter etc, PS/ Xbox consoles.

-holding thumbs for console release as well-

Q: What kind of specs should we be running to play your game?
A: Mid to high range definitely, but still hard to improve performance (GTX 1050 + should run it well)

-so fresh potato PCs should work fine-

Hopefully that’s gotten all of you salivating at the mouth as much as it has me.

For those need to know questions.

Q: Long walks down the beach or a stroll in the mountains?
A: Neither, locked up in my room with my pc, internet and snacky/ concentration food.


Q: Pepsi or Coke?
A: tap water, gave up fizzy drinks a long time ago – ha ha

-he chooses health and longevity over pure liquid enjoyment, fair enough-

Q: Skittles or rascals?
A: Astros

-a man who refuses to colour inside the lines-

Q: What’s your favourite colour?
A: Fuchsia

-yeah… I had to google that-

Q: Do you believe the earth is flat or round?
A: Round

-there is hope yet-

Q: If you had to choose one, Playstation or Xbox?
A: PlayStation FTW

-that’s a pity-

Q: You’re stranded on an island – what 3 things do you have with you to survive?
A: unopened FedEx box, Wilson volleyball, and an Ice Skate.

-uhm… ok? He’s going to have to explain this one-

Q: Who was your first celebrity crush?
A: Kim Possible (don’t judge me – ha ha)

-no judgement there! I’m sure there’s a lot more of you in that boat than you realise-

This game seems to tickle all the right places, with diverse biomes and ecosystems, interesting sounding story and character development, mystery and intrigue, an untrusty companion, cool art style and awesome looking adversaries.
I, for one, am very eager to join Akromah on his noble quest.

Have a look at the final teaser for the game right here…

And while you’re at it, why don’t you give the man a subscribe on YouTube.

And if you want to follow the game on other social media platforms, choose your poison below.