NBA 2K20 – Review

Knowing myself, I never thought I’d get excited over getting a new sports game, let alone a sport I knew next to nothing about a few months ago. But all that changed and I found myself sitting with the same anticipation for NBA 2K20 as 6 year old me did on Christmas morning while waiting […]

Razer Blackwidow Review

When playing PC games, peripherals are your tools.  A good headset can mean the difference between hearing the footstep of the guy coming around the corner.  The mouse can get your crosshair centred onto that headshot before you get to be on the other end of the scope.  And lastly comes the keyboard.  Often overlooked […]

The LAW and YOU

What I CAN say….and what I CANT Hello fellow gamers, this is both an informative article AS WELL AS a direct and complete understanding of the LAW regarding Free speech & Hate Speech.  This is to help, those select few, know why you got that com ban, Perma-ban, legal warning, etc.  Complete removal of an […]