Hello gamers yes it is I, I have survived the epidemic and I’m coming to you live from London…..err I’m in South Africa from London?…… So I got the opportunity to play Watch Dogs: Legion which is based in London yes that’s it….and let me say what a GREAT opportunity it was.
Firstly, visually, the game is STUNNING, based in London in a slightly more modern setting where the whole city is being run by a private military called Albion, who takes the law into their own hands with a “kill for peace” take on things. You take the role of… EVERYONE, not even an exaggeration, you can recruit literally anyone to the cause and they can bring a unique set of skills to the table, ain’t no one got squat on my 88-year-old granny sporting a shock rifle, 6G hacking skills, and a severe case of flatulence, or for those who aren’t medically minded, she farts….a lot….alerting every enemy close by…..which I then rifle down… So much fun. You run around a fully open world full of shops to buy clothes to customize your army, granny be sporting a biker jacket, combat pants, and flip flops. Oh, such a menacing granny you are, completing tasks to weaken the hold Albion has on the people in the borough, making it easier to find and recruit new operatives.
A major game feature is the tech menu, offering a range of gadgets, abilities, weapons, and hacking skills all this is unlocked with tech points scattered around the map, each item on the menu can be upgraded to make it more effective, which can be set to each operative to switch up your playstyle or tackle the task at hand. Another major feature is the combat, now I did play the 1st Watch Dogs and sadly missed the 2nd. DONT JUDGE ME AMANDA!!!! But the combat for Watch Dogs: Legion is based around attacking, grappling, and dodging which can be followed up with a counter-attack its proper street fighting bruv. Combat can be made easier by using an operative with a melee weapon or a nice little gadget I call the “punchy zappy face breaky” thing.
My personal Favorite is definitely the remote control spider capable or hacking terminals, getting into tight spaces, getting you into otherwise inaccessible rooms distracting enemies, and scaring the living daylights out of people on the street, yes my little pet spread TERROR… I mean go get me access to that server over there I need to check my Twitter feed messages.
the storyline follows our ever neighborhood hacking community Dedsec being framed for major bombings all over London by the group known as Zero-day, who have no other agenda than just trying to watch the world burn. Albion takes over and basically eliminates almost every criminal enterprise except 1 clan Kelly, so you have some major factions who aren’t particularly friendly towards you, unless, you recruit one of them. YES people you can recruit the enemy to your cause, but you will need to buy the special tech ability to deep dive into their profile and find something that you can help them with to turn that frown upside down and join you, now you have a recruit who can walk almost freely around that factions area, just avoid the other guards and cameras and drones…..so everything.
The game doesn’t limit how you play, maybe you’re like me who likes to sneak around set traps and bring out the inner Sam Fischer in you, or walking right up to some git and bashing em in the face yeah? The help will have thought the game will be from the lovable robot AI Baggly who will help you accomplish all your missions, from getting Intel to finding a location to hacking a laptop and wiping someone’s debt….. think I need a Baggly….But 1 thing was REALLY confusing to me…. playing many different open-world games like GTA….being forced to drive on the right-hand side of the road and now I’m on the LEFT like I’m weirded out by this, even driving on the left side IN REAL LIFE, like I can’t wrap my head around now driving on the correct side of the road!!! It’s maddening!!! Well, it is to me anyway… AMANDA I SAID STOP JUDGING ME.
Now down to brass tax here people. Is this game for everyone? Sadly no, some might find it repetitive or stick to only 4 or 5 operatives. Is it enjoyable to play? Without a doubt, I lost myself for hours walking down the streets just checking on random NPCs for the next potential recruit and just enjoying the stunning scenery or even doing parcel deliveries to earn extra cash. Is it replayable? I honestly believe so, you can pick completely new operatives each time mixing it up each time.
A HUGE shoutout to UBISOFT for giving me the opportunity to play this ahead of release. I will be enjoying this game for a long time, me and granny Tabitha, Amanda hold all my calls… it’s time to flatulently rifle down some tossers, muppets, and geezers. well, that’s what Tabitha says anyway.