In a world where everything needs to happen at lightspeed.  Your focus and reactions need to be that of a Formula 1 driver.  Managing that is not as easy as simply getting a good nights’ rest.  This is where many people turn to energy drinks or large amounts of caffeine intake.

We have all read and heard numerous stories of how bad energy drinks are for you and of the many people who have either died or have had major health problems because of said energy drinks.

For gamers, we fight the good fight.  We need to be at our peak mental ability as well as agility.  Most of us only get to jump into our game of choice at the end of a long day of whatever it is you call work.  Most of the time, by that time, we are never at our best.  Hence we turn to energy drinks of boat-loads of caffeine.  This is where X-Gamer comes in.  If you consume too much of either caffeine or energy drinks you will inevitably start to feel shaky or general not well.



Does it X Gamer give you that kick?

The people over at Apex Interactive were kind enough to send me a shaker with a few samples of the new flavours of X Gamer.  These flavours consist of a whole host of new and interesting flavours like gummy bears and cape town swiss roll.  Apart from having the most innovative and original names, the flavours are, for the most part, just as spectacular.

As I am not a man of science, instead of boring you with ingredients and nutritional values and all those boring things, the only logical way to test if X Gamer can really replace a cup of coffee or it alternatives is to replace my morning coffee with a shot of X Gamer.  So for 2 weeks, I took up the challenge.  Drinking a 500ml X Gamer, in its very good looking shaker, for 2 days and then skipping to days etc. On the first morning, I tore open my sachet of X Gamer, dropped it into 500ml of water in the shaker closed the lid and by the time I wanted to shake, it was nearly completely dissolved.  I gave it a shake just for the sake of it and started sipping on it while my colleagues gave me funny looks while sipping on their cups of brew.



Within 20min I could feel the difference.  I felt more spritely and energetic.  Both of these feelings obviously help for a more focused mind as well as I felt a lot less drained by midday compared to my usual day. Which, by that time, I would have been on my third coffee.  Mixing the X Gamer with 500ml of water also helps for the fluid level intake which I am really bad at.  By 2 pm, the time the energy drinks usually start to wear off and you start to feel run-down and shaky the X Gamer was still going strong with absolutely ZERO negative feelings.  On the contrary, It actually made me feel like drinking water instead of more coffee.  This might be due to the slight parchedness it leaves in your mouth.  All I did was fill up my shaker with some H2O and off I went.


What’s in the Bottle?


For those who are interested in the details.  Each serving will provide 129kJ of energy and 200mg of caffeine and 1000mg of Taurine.  There are of course other ingredients such as Niacin (31.2mg) and only 3g of carbohydrates for those who are non-carb diets.  However, where X Gamer stands head and shoulders above the competition is the number of other vitamins it consists of.  For those who would like a more detailed analysis.

Compound Dosage per 10g serving Class Info
Caffeine 200mg stimulant Equivalent to about two cups of coffee
Taurine 1000mg Taurine is found in large amounts in the brain, retina, heart, and blood cells called platelets
Niacin 31.2mg  niacin may help lower cholesterol, ease arthritis and boost brain function
Vitamin E 3.2mg VITAMINS do I need to say more support immune function, prevent inflammation, promote eye health, and lower the risk of cancer.
Thiamine 0.6mg Thiamine is important in the breakdown of carbohydrates from foods into products needed by the body
Riboflavin 0.6mg It is involved in many processes in the body and is necessary for normal cell growth and function
Vitamin B6 0.6?g More Vitamins! It’s significant to protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and the creation of red blood cells and neurotransmitters
Vitamin B12 6.8?g Same as above…  It plays an essential role in the production of your red blood cells and DNA
Biotin 8?g More good stuff  helps your body convert food into energy
Pantothenic acid 2.4mg creates life It’s necessary for making blood cells, and it helps you convert the food you eat into energy
Chrome 4.4?g makes you strong mineral that can improve insulin sensitivity and enhance protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism
Boron 22?g make hulk strong Boron is used for building strong bones, treating osteoarthritis, as an aid for building muscles and increasing testosterone levels
Lutein 12?g sunblock for your eyes filter harmful high-energy blue wavelengths of light and help protect and maintain healthy cells in the eyes


Should you buy it?

If you are considering using X Gamer as a replacement for the Vitamins and supplements you get from your local pharmacy, then I would say you are out of luck.  X Gamer is touted as an energy drink to enhance endurance and focus.  And that is what it provides.  Would I recommend switching out your favorite can of Energy drink for a tub of X Gamer?  MOST DEFINITELY!  There are significantly more healthy ingredients in X Gamer compared to energy drinks.  Not only that, but the “coming-off” on X Gamer is gradual and won’t have you laying in a heap of lifeless flesh when it has worked its way out.  Did I mention every single flavor is extremely yummy!!!

The pricing is also decent with Takealot coming in at prices ranging from R499 to R749 at the time of checking.  This might feel like a steep price to pay.  But considering what you pay for your Seattle coffee on the way to work…  X Gamer makes a lot more sense!


Special thanks to the people over at Apex Interactive for the review content