Samurai Shodown – Review

Kon’nichiwa dokusha or Hello Readers this weekend I had the VERY distinct pleasure thanks to APEX INTERACTIVE, to play the latest Indie remake title: Samurai Shodown.  And was very pleasantly surprised at the immediate liking of the game.

The game is a side scroll fighting game like street fighter but leaves its own mark on the classic take with its high paced and intense gameplay.  Sporting a good selection of fighters each with their own unique brand of weapon(s) from the timeless classic Katana all the way to…….a 7 sword wielding fighter, that’s a lot of swords for so few arms but hey he makes it work pretty well.  The game offers gamers not only the unique story trail for each character but also online versus and even 5 levels of difficulty for the CPU.  The game has even given the few of us who “struggle” with these types of fighting games a training AND tutorial mode to give you the know how to enjoy the game to its fullest.

 The fighters have specials….Suprise, no not really but apart from your Haiduk……errrrr Lightning blade attack, each fighter can enter “Rage mode” and perform a REALLY impressive attack….if you can nail down that button combo…….don’t judge me.  The game even goes so far as to give the fighters a way to disarm your opponent, leaving them not completely vulnerable but with less damage output.  You can recover your weapon or even while bare fisted…..disarm an armed opponent, so your never really out of the fight.  The overall gameplay is quite pleasing, visually stunning and the control pretty easy to master, the game offers a very well rounded samurai feel and with all the vocals and flying swords you will without a doubt be reliving your childhood movies moments, cherry blossoms falling in the background, two swordsman (Or women) face to face in an epic duel for victory.

So the big question….would i recommend the game and the answers is…..Hai watashi wa…..or yes I would for those without google translate.  The game is, in my opinion, a must-have for the fighter lover gamers out there, so challenge your friend or take on an increasingly difficult CPU and make your name legend in the sand garden of eternal destiny……

Watashi no kohiamanda o ubau…..errr. Wheres my coffee Amanda?  This is going to be a long day…. Kuso (damn).

Huge thanks again to APEX Interactive for the chance to review a sure to be classic