Great deals for PC on

EAX just loves to spread good news and great deals with our readers and we are going to do our best to bring all of you some of the best deals available to grow those collections and be part of the hype!!  I Myself use CDKEYS.COM and I’m Very happy to say they are safe and reliable, all transactions are immediate and the code is sent to you directly and very securely.



Whether it’s picking up latest games, or looking for that good ol’ classic CDKEYS has specials on a whole host of games.  Don’t be a scrub and pay full price when this safe online shop offers discounted rates on ALL its products


Specials and deals change constantly so you can always guarantee to pick up something new at a better price and not just on games but their DLC CONTENT TOO.  Halleluiah praise the RAM and pass the ammunition.

R33.89 (Skyrim – Dawnguard DLC)

The true meaning of life is love, peace and uncapped fibre