From the moment you get control of the car, you know Need for Speed Payback is going to be a very fast and very over the top action racer.
On the surface, the game looks great. It is a visual treat of glossy shine and more wheel spins than a Vegas slot-machine. Cars glisten like they just rolled straight off a car showroom floor and roar like monsters when revving them up.
Seeing as NFS Payback is an arcade style action racer, it is not without the camera angles to boot. When doing a burnout, a slide around a particularly bendy corner or taking out a pesky cop car during a chase, you are presented with a view point to boost the moment of awesomeness. Thankfully these viewpoints can be toggled while in game with same button changing your camera. Rather handy when you want to focus on the race at hand.
My favourite part of this action camera is when taking out said annoying cops during a high speed chase. My least favourite part is that said high speed chases are story locked.
The backdrop ranges from Urban to Desert, each with a generous offering in size and beauty to look at while just cruising along. The off-road sections are new to NFS. While not a stranger to off-road vehicles, it is a first to actually put them to use for their intended purpose, which makes for some fresh gameplay.
No matter what the race type, there is a car for it. The car count stands at 74, which doesn’t sound like a lot by any means, but those on offer are some of the finest.
The upgrading system is different from what is usually the standard. Parts are unlocked via Speed Cards when winning races, the selection of parts cycle at Tune Up shops after a set time or you win them from Rolls. So you might not always get the part you want, but they always make your ride faster.
This is not the ideal system, but to be honest, I would prefer the classic Putting-Whatever-I-Want-Into-My-Car system.
Need for Speed Payback also offers a rather nice Photo Mode, with some decent settings and filters, anyone can take brilliant snapshots of their cars. Just pressing a button, you can take a photo right in the middle of the action.
Now, scratching a bit deeper, there is a story to Need for Speed Payback. As the title suggests, it’s a story of betrayal that all leads to, well payback. In all honesty, do not expect a Hollywood script of drama and full character development, all that has been reserved for the main part of the game, the cars and driving.
The main characters here are Tyler (you), your buddy Mac (the off-road nut) and Jess (the one saving everyone out of a tight spot).
Each of these characters are unique in their own right, but they don’t bring something truly special to table.
But again, I am letting the cars do the talking with screeching tires and thunderous engines. It is high octane action that Need for Speed is famous for.
NFS Payback is fun, fast and ferocious and it makes that evident from the start.
If you are a Need for Speed fan and like your arcade racers, this will make you smile.
thanks to Prima Interactive for supplying us with this Review copy!
written by : Ghost86
Edited by: BigJapester11