Dirt 5 – Review

The Dirt franchise has become synonymous with being the all-in-one off-road experience!  It has brought us hardcore rally simulators as well as pick-up and play- arcade racers.  If you are looking to thread a needle through the Welsh forest while struggling to see through a rainstorm, not sure if that is a corner or a […]

GRID 2019 – Review

Codemasters, as a developer, has long since prided itself on keeping their games, cars, tracks and mechanics as true to real life as possible, putting them more in the sim racer category than in the arcade racer one, and the same is true with the latest game from them. GRID 2019 (as it has come […]

F1 2019 Review

I know what you are thinking…  This is just a revamped version of F1 2018…  And you would be very wrong!  For a franchise that brings out a yearly release there is not that many things to add apart from the graphical tweak here, adding a new mechanic there, but Codemasters have had the mechanics […]

Dirt 2.0 – Review

The vast majority of us, at some stage during our gaming journey as kids, or adults, would have picked up a PS1 controller and played one of 2 racing titles.  Both spectacular in their own rights and they would have shaped the way you look at racing titles and which you would love and keep […]